Workshops > Mac Workshops

Katrina's Mac Workshops

We only need four people to put together a Mac workshop. I have a projector and a screen. Pick from these workshops or we can create one together. You will need a laptop for all of the following workshops. If for some reason you do not have a a laptop, please let me know. We may be able to find one for you to use.

The Details

* $135/person for a 3 hour workshop
* 4 to 7 people per workshop
* Need a host to hold the workshop
* I will arrive 15-25 minutes earlier to set up the projector
* The workshop will get canceled 2 days before if there are not a minimum of 4 people

iPad Workshop
Learn the basics of your iPad.

iPhone Workshop
Learn how to use Siri and all the other cool features on your phone!

Begging Mac Workshop
Learn the basics of your mac from the ground up. We will learn about the ports/holes on the outside of the laptop, the dock, applications, and windows.

Intermediate Mac Workshop
Find you documents and save them in the correct place! Learn to save, retrieve, move, and create files. 

Advanced Mac workshop
Speed yourself up by learning shortcuts and learn how to customize your computer with system preferences.

iPhoto Workshop - Basics
Learn to import your photos and organize your photos using Events & Albums and edit your photos.

iPhoto Workshop Intermediate
You know how to organize your photos so learn how to find them and organize them better using keywords, faces, and places.

Photo Slideshow Workshop
Create a slideshow using iPhoto and customize your slideshow with your own music, and transitions.

Create Cards & Calendars with iPhoto Workshop
Use iPhoto to create personalized calendars and note cards. Mac laptop with iPhoto 06 or 08 required.

iTunes Workshop
Learn how to organize your music, import music, and sync with your ipod.

Address Book & Mail Workshop
Learn everything about sending email with Mail. We will create folders, send emails to groups of recipients, save attachments, and send attachments. In the second half of the workshop we will cover Address Book.  Learn to add new addresses, create labels, groups, and more.  (You need to have an email that will work with mail. Call Katrina for more information.)

Photobook Creations
Together we will create a photo book from start to finish. We will learn how to use iPhoto to create a book. You will have the second half of the workshop to create your own book.  Katrina will answer all questions as you go. We will even create an account with apple and send the book to be printed. Please bring photos and a subject for your book.  

iMovie Workshop
Learn to make a movie. Bring your camcorder with footage that is ready to be imported and edited on your Mac. The first half of the workshop we will learn how to create a movie and you will have the second half to work on your movie. As you come across questions Katrina will be there to answer them.

iDVD Workshop
Put your movie from iMovie or slideshow from iPhoto onto a DVD.

Backing Up Your Computer Workshop
Also, learn how to back up your most important documents. Bring an external hard drive to practice in class!

Internet/Safari Workshop
Learn how the internet works and how to search using Safari. Learn how to create bookmarks, organize bookmarks, search, snapback, and more.  (If there is time, we will cover iChat.)

Website Creation (iWeb) Workshop
Easily create a website of your family photos! Write about your latest vacation and create an online diary of your family! 
Mac Laptop required.  MobileMe account required to publish your website online. ($99/year)

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